No, wait, you don't understand!
So, we did buy the chocolate. But we made these marshmallows and these graham crackers.
And they ended up looking like this:
And yes, that is a moose. Who may have been nibbled on.
It was a messy project (I think marshmallow goo ended up in a few random places around my kitchen...and on my clothes...and in my hair) but the marshmallows weren't very much work. I did get to see my Kitchenaid beat the marshmallow cream for 12 minutes, on high. That was an impressive sight. (I'm sorry...I'm a total geek. I don't think anyone else gets excited about seeing their mixer work that much.)
The graham crackers were very delicate in dough form, but with a little coaching from one of my cooking mentors** (pictured below) the task of rolling the dough and transferring them to the pan became easier.
*Names have been avoided to protect the guilty. We will call this person A. Wong, or Alex W. for short.
**Those dark marks on her arms are temporary tattoos. No children were bruised in the making of these crackers.
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